
Spirit Energy Gets Oda Start-Up Nod

   2019-01-09 subseanewssubseanews76
核心提示: Spirit Energy has gained approval to start up the Oda field in the North Sea.Oda is a subsea development where t
 Spirit Energy has gained approval to start up the Oda field in the North Sea.
Oda is a subsea development where the wellstream is sent on to the Ula platform for processing and transport.
The produced gas will be sold to the Ula licensees for use as injection gas for alternating water and gas injection (WAG) on the Ula field.
The oil will be exported through Ula’s export pipeline via the Ekofisk field to the Teesside terminal in the UK. The seawater that will be used for water injection for pressure support on Oda will be delivered from the Ula platform.
According to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, Spirit Energy expects start-up in February/March.
Total investments for the development are estimated at NOK 5.5 billion.
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