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Al Meashar-2 Encounters Oil Shows

  来源:gulfoilandgas  日期:2010-12-25  关注度:1174
Al Meashar-2 Encounters Oil Shows


Al Meashar-2 well in Block 7, Yemen was at a depth of 3,460 metres and drilling ahead in a 6?hole. Oil shows have been encountered over the interval of 3,200 to 3,460 metres within the basement sequence. Progress for the week was 290 metres.

Al Meashar-2 is an appraisal well of the Al Meashar-1 oil discovery made in early 2010. The well is being drilled from the existing Al Meashar-1 well pad using Managed Pressure Drilling to minimise damage from drilling fluids in the reservoir. The planned total measured depth of the well is approximately 3,740 metres.

The participants in Block 7 are:
ARC Energy Holdings Ltd* 21.25%
Oil Search (ROY) Ltd (Operator) 34.00%
Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Co. (Aden) Ltd 21.25%
Yemen General Corporation for Oil and Gas 15.00%
Mitsui E & P Middle East B.V 8.50%

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