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Major International Oil Company Joins EMGS JIP

  来源:gulfoilandgas  日期:2011-04-12  关注度:1416
 Electromagnetic Geoservices ASA (EMGS) is pleased to announce that a major international oil company has joined EMGS and Shell in a joint industry project (JIP) to plan and design the next-generation 3D EM system. 

"We are delighted that yet another customer with extensive EM experience has joined the JIP," says Roar Bekker, EMGS chief executive officer. "Both Shell and the new partner are early adopters of EM technology, and we value input from two companies with such wide-ranging experience in the use of integrated EM data."

The ongoing feasibility study includes laboratory tests, design solutions, specifications and a project plan for the development of the next generation of source, receivers and positioning system.
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