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Shell to move ahead with FLNG off Australia

  来源:  日期:2011-05-23  关注度:1112
 MELBOURNE, Australia – The Royal Dutch Shell board of directors has approved the final investment for the Prelude floating LNG project offshore Australia. This will be the first such installation.


Shell says it now is ready to begin detailed design and construction in South Korea of what will be the largest floating offshore facility to date. It will be 488 m (1,600 ft) long and weigh about 600,000 metric tons (661,400 tons).


The FLNG facility will tap around 3 tcfe in the Prelude gas field. Some 110,000 boed of expected production from Prelude should underpin at least 5.3 (5.8 MMMM metric tons/yr of liquids, comprising 3.6 metric tons of LNG, 1.3 metric tons of condensate and 0.4 metric tons of liquefied petroleum gas.

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