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West Africa JDZ block extension nears approval

  来源:OILMC.COM  日期:2011-05-23  关注度:1206
  HOUSTON – The Nigeria-São Tomé & Príncipe Joint Development Authority (JDA) has approved a 12-month extension to Exploration Phase I Joint Development Zone (JDZ) block 2, reports ERHC Energy Inc. Sinopec operates the block. Joint Ministerial Council approval is pending.


During the Exploration Phase I extension, Sinopec expects to conduct further geological and geophysical studies on the block. Further, it plans to assess exploration strategy and overall course of action regarding Exploration Phase II.


Negotiations on the exploration program in JDZ blocks 3 and 4 continue between the JDA and the contracting parties, led by Addax Petroleum. ERHC holds 10% working interest in JDZ Block 3 and 19.5% working interest in JDZ block 4.

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