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Siemens Secures Offshore Wind Turbine Order in UK

  来源:石油机械网  日期:2011-06-29  关注度:1209
 Siemens Energy has secured another order for an offshore wind power plant in the United Kingdom. The company will supply 108 wind turbines for the West of Duddon Sands project in the Irish Sea. The customer is a consortium consisting of Danish DONG Energy and Scottish Power Renewables, which is part of the Spanish Iberdrola group. With a total capacity of 389 megawatts (MW) the wind power plant will supply approximately 300,000 British households with clean electricity.

The West of Duddon Sands wind power plant will be located in the Irish Sea. Siemens will be responsible for supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, each with a capacity of 3.6 MW and a rotor diameter of 120 meters. "This order underscores our leading position in the offshore wind power business, both globally and in the UK," said Jens-Peter Saul, CEO of the Siemens Wind Power Business Unit. "It has been 20 years since we installed the world's first offshore wind farm. Today, offshore wind power is one of the fastest growing energy technologies and is growing to become a major backbone of a sustainable energy supply," Saul added.
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