Speaking on the sidelines of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum here, Del Rosario also said China’s behavior in the disputed waters raised concerns about how it would treat its neighbors as it became more powerful.
“I think the wealth of the area in terms of hydrocarbon assets could stimulate an increased interest in the area,” Del Rosario said when asked why China had, according to the Philippines, become more aggressive.
He said the Philippines was looking at the events in Southeast Asia’s disputed waters through a broader window of how China intended to treat other countries as it became more powerful.
“I think there is that concern that China is becoming more powerful,” he said,“We support their progress and their growth. It is good for the region. But at the same time it is our expectation that their strength and their growth and their influence will be exercised in a responsible way.”“我认为这与中国的日益强大有很大的关系”,他说,“我们肯定他们的进步和成长。这对这一地区是有益的。但同时我们期望他们的力量、成长和影响用一种负责任的方式表达出来。”
Del Rosario said these intrusions occurred within 85 nautical miles of Palawan, but nearly 600 nautical miles from the nearest coast of China.
He insisted China’s claim to all of the sea, based on a Chinese map with nine dashes outlining its territory, would be rejected in an international court.他强调中国对所有海域的主权是基于中国地图上的九段线,但这已经被国际法庭驳回。
“We take the position that China’s nine-dash claim to sovereignty over the South China Sea is baseless,” he said.
“If Philippine sovereign rights can be denigrated by this baseless claim, many countries should begin to contemplate the potential threat to freedom of navigation in the South China Sea,” Del Rosario said.
“China’s hesitation to accept the Philippine suggestion to elevate their dispute to ITLOS (International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea) could lead to conclusion that China may not be able to validate their stated positions in accordance with the UNCLOS,” he said. UNCLOS refers to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Del Rosario proposed on June 11 that the Philippines and China elevate the issue to ITLOS.
The DFA chief also praised the ASEAN Regional Forum for its role in keeping stability and strengthening cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region since 1994.
“With the focus being on non-traditional security issues, we have managed to expand the opportunities for dialogue and cooperation in the four priority areas, namely: disaster relief, counter-terrorism and transnational crime, non-proliferation and disarmament, and maritime security,” he said.
He cited the expansion of the East Asia Summit (EAS) – to include Russia and the US – as well as the launching of the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting-Plus as two significant developments in the past year.
“The Philippines recognizes the importance of forging closer cooperation and harmonizing these regional mechanisms to ensure coordination in addressing security issues in the Asia-Pacific region,” Del Rosario said.
US concern 美国的关注
Also in yesterday’s forum, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that a recent surge in tensions threatened regional peace, while warning against force to solve the dispute.在昨天的论坛上,美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿指出,最近激增的紧张局势威胁地区和平,同时警告不要试图以武力解决争端。
“The United States is concerned that recent incidents in the South China Sea threaten the peace and stability on which the remarkable progress of the Asia Pacific region has been built,” Clinton said in prepared remarks to foreign ministers.
“These incidents endanger the safety of life at sea, escalate tensions, undermine freedom of navigation, and pose risks to lawful unimpeded commerce and economic development,” she said.她说:“这些事件危及海上生命安全、增加紧张局势、破坏航行自由、造成合法贸易和经济发展的风险。”
“Each of the parties should comply with their commitments to respect freedom of navigation and over-flight in the South China Sea in accordance with international law, to resolve their disputes through peaceful means, without resorting to the threat or use of force,” she said.
China claims all of the South China Sea, even up to the coast of Southeast Asian countries, as part of what it considers historical territory.
The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan also have overlapping claims to all or parts of the sea, which is believed to be extremely rich in oil and gas deposits.
In recent months, the Philippines and Vietnam have accused China of increasingly aggressive behavior in the sea, such as harassing fishermen and oil exploration vessels.
The Philippines has said Chinese forces shot at Filipino fishermen, deployed navy patrol boats to intimidate an oil exploration vessel and placed markers on some of the islets.
The area has long been considered one of Asia’s potential military flashpoints, and in 1998 Vietnam fought a brief naval battle with China on one of the reefs that left 50 Vietnamese sailors dead.
Vietnam said that, in one incident, Chinese sailors boarded a Vietnamese fishing boat and beat its captain before stealing the crew’s catch.
China has responded to the accusations by insisting it wants to resolve the dispute peacefully, but firmly maintaining all of the South China Sea is its sovereign territory.
At a meeting with the 10 members of the ASEAN on Wednesday in Bali, China agreed to a set of guidelines setting a framework for an eventual code of conduct for the South China Sea.
China and some ASEAN members hailed this as a breakthrough that would defuse the tensions, however, the Philippines maintained that the Chinese side had not made enough concessions and the guidelines lacked teeth.
Clinton praised the guidelines as an “important first step,” but called on all parties to work more quickly towards achieving a final diplomatic solution.
“The United States encourages all parties to accelerate efforts to reach a full code of conduct in the South China Sea,” Clinton said.
In comments likely to further irk China, Clinton also emphasized the US had a “national interest” in keeping the sea’s vital shipping lanes open for international trade and navigation.
希拉里同时强调,美国的国家利益在于保证国际贸易和航行的海上生命线,这种言论可能会激怒中国。敢于谴责中国的霸权主义,对于阿基诺总统和他的幕僚们来说是一种荣耀。(译者注:PNoy是Pres. Noynoy Aquino的缩写)我不记得哪位总统和他的幕僚们这样做过。在外交政策方面,我给阿基诺打99分。
Your sovereignty and EEZ rights under United Nation conventions are Philippine core national interest. China seeks status quo due to participation of US and Russia, they have little choice with these main players. With UN and European community likewise aware, China's exaggerated and outrageous claim position is eroding and not acceptable to international community.
Your nation need to hasten setup of strong military deterrence as there will never be a best time than today. Whatever new code of conduct being formalized, your nation and Asean must never be curtailed nor denied of rights to exploit and govern their EEZ. Trust your treaty and UN doors are open to your requests.(此人可能不是菲律宾人,但这番话是对菲律宾讲的)根据联合国公约,你们的主权和在经济专属区的权利其实是菲律宾的核心利益。由于美国和俄罗斯的介入,在这两个主要对手面前,中国别无选择,只能维持现状。联合国和欧盟也同样意识到,中国夸张和离谱的主权要求是站不住脚的,国际社会不会承认这种无礼的要求。
Once a commie, they will always be a commie! Never trust them. The Philipines need a strong defense force, which we sadly will be never achieve. Look at Taiwan, a small island nation with a respectable airforce mainly F-16s with I believe with nuke capability.
China can't afford to risk a confrontation with Taiwan. They can overwhelm them by sheer numbers, but they can't afford the damage of nuclear weapons. It's like France stance against he old Soviet union during the Cold War. A "Force de Frappe" , I believe was the term.
They should had listened to the great Gen Douglas MacArtur, we should have not this problem !!! Now he is saying " I told you "
EIA: “The focus of most attention regarding the South China Sea's (SCS) resources has been on hydrocarbons, especially oil. Oil reserve estimates for the entire SCS region vary. One Chinese estimate suggests potential oil resources as high as 213 billion barrels of oil (bbl). A 1993/1994 estimate by the U.S. Geological Survey estimated the sum total of discovered reserves and undiscovered resources in the offshore basins of the SCS at 28 billion bbl...One of the more moderate Chinese estimates suggested that potential oil resources (not proved reserves) of the Spratly and ParacelIslands could be as high as 105 billion bbl... As with oil, estimates of the SCS’natural gas resources vary widely. One Chinese estimate for the entire SCS estimates natural gas reserves to be 2 quadrillion cubic feet. Another Chinese report estimates 225 billion barrels of oil equivalent in the SpratlyIslands alone.
If 70 percent of these hydrocarbons are gas as some studies suggest, total gas resources (as opposed to proved reserves) would be almost 900 trillion cubic feet (Tcf). In April 2006, Husky Energy working with the Chinese National Offshore Oil Corporation announced a find of proven natural gas reserves of nearly 4 to 6 Tcf near the SpratlyIslands.”
Source: US Energy Information Administration (EIA)
i would tend to go more so with estimates from the US as you must remember they will always play on the lowest rather then what can be the highest. This way one can say it is at the very least when US makes these estimates. In any matter the commies want this and want it bad. the fight in lybia is more coz, . for the commies to want more of what they call their own.
China was Lybia's largest importer of oil. !! enough said. China will even attempt to push the US navy but be warned big red your words no longer scare anyone and soon you also will back down.
Please learn how to use google so you won't appear ignorant. Italy is by far the largest importer of Libyan oil followed by France.
SRosarioChinese intrusions into the SpratlyIslands and its adjoining waters were very well-known during the previous administrations of Marcos, Cory, FVR, Erap, and Gloria. At least Marcos stationed troops in some of the major islands. The administrations from Cory to Gloria failed to take even relatively inexpensive measures to prevent or stop the increasing Chinese incursions.
Gloria agreed to joint explorations that further undermined Philippine interests. PNoy should send more naval patrols and marines to guard the Spratlys.
The Philippines should broaden its strategic partnerships with other countries, like India, Russia, and Japan. But, it is not necessary for the Philippines to allow foreign military presence or visiting forces agreements for its external defense. Visiting forces agreements and basing arrangements like main operating bases (MOB), forward operating bases (FOB),
forward operating sites (FOS), cooperative security locations (CSL), and other foreign military facilities and arrangements are going to create more problems and make the Philippines more a military target. The Philippines does not even have an air-defense system or a missile shield to protect its population.
To avoid becoming a magnet for attack or be a bait and a battleground, the Philippines should adopt an independent and peaceful foreign policy, not a militaristic and aggressive posture that it cannot sustain. Unnecessary foreign entanglements with competing world powers should be avoided. Strengthening its own external defense capability should provide an effective deterrence without the unnecessary risks of being drawn into a conflict between rival world powers.
On the Spratly's claim, I admire Pnoy's willand courage to stand what is ours.I hope be will not falter on this claim.在南沙问题上的主张,我很钦佩阿基诺的胆识,让我们得以扬眉吐气。希望以后也能畅快地表达我们的意愿。
My Good God Almighty...the government guy making the report in the article claiming China's hunger for oil is creating the disturbance in the Spratleys! WE ALREADY KNEW THIS YEARS AND YEARS AGO! We knew it back before the year 2000...before 1995...and before 1980! We knew this when the special meetings of the Contracting States (the 10th Session) Conference on the UN Committee of UNCLOS and the Financial Ordinance of the Tribunal of the Law of the Sea was going on,
and through the ICPMN on UNCLOS when the Resolution (Number 33) of the 54th General Assembly was tabled due to disputing efforts by China; then when the International Seabed Authority pushed for "pioneer investors" to include China this time, the Session adopted The Regulation for the Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallac Nodules (oil reserves) in the "area" (the entire South China Sea),as this was an orderly stage set for "exploration". There has been discussions held quietly since that time as a possible confidential agreement was initiated between 2001 and 2010 by some people in Philippine government for proactive profiteering concern when China was allowed to drill for oil after constructing oil derricks in territorial Philippine waters. China is going to require over 14 million barrels of oil come the year 2014...and they are all over the world right now, making deals to acquire that oil.
Is it possible for the DFA to articulate foreign policy positions without resorting to trite statements and outdated conclusions about other countries' intentions? Good grief, who did not know that China is hungry for oil?
By entering into joint venture agreements, China is even hunting for oil as far as north Africa. Sadly, it is looking down at it's smaller ASEAN neighbors. They are definitely not good neighbors. Del Rosario is only emphasizing the motives behind China's behavior, that what matters for China is only their interests. This is further validated when they said that their claim is non negotiable.
Now when your neighbor is begining to act un-neighborly like, we bring the matter to a judicial body to determine what is correct or perhaps contain that neighbors greed. At this time of laws, you cannot just show a map with 9 dashes to enforce a claim. Anyone can come up with a map of a thousand dashes anytime. In this modern world,
China should accept the fact that people around the world does not always subscribe to their ideologies and values and they cannot force people to accept that. This strict upbringing that some Asians subsribe to is often transferred to their leaders. In a bad way, this could lead to oppression, slavery and limited rights. Unfortunately, this is the kind of leaders China has right now.
You guys should check out the Philippine involvement in the Galoc fields- it’s 17%--- track all the companies involved, from Australia, Switzerland, Singapore and even based in the Cayman Islands… what happened? And let me know who is running Vitol GPC Investments S.A while you’re at it……….
Of course, the growing economy of China will require having the possible oil deposits under the “SouthChinaSeas”. A little foresight would tell us China will want to grab the fishing grounds as well in those areas to feed its 1, 300 million populations. Too bad we have wasted years being corrupt; we cannot even provide our soldiers with shoes, much less a token resistance to hostile neighbors.
Common sense tells us we need strong allies, but nationalism tells us to kick them out. I would suggest we give a serious thought on what we plan to do to protect our food and other resources from this present menace.
China's historical claims over the SpratlyIslands are spurious and have no legal validity. The Philippines has a better historical claim because of its ancient Malay seafaring heritage and a valid legal claim based on UNCLOS and customary international law.
The Philippines cannot rely on assurances that China will respect the territorial claim and sovereignty of the Philippines and be committed to peace and stability in the region. Malacanang must make a serious commitment to strengthen the nation's external defense and send a clear signal to its potential adversaries of its intent to protect the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity from external aggression.
To have an effective military capability, it is necessary for the Philippines to eradicate corruption in the military by having greater transparency in military spending and procurement, shift its focus from counterinsurgency operations to external defense, move the peace process forward and form a coalition government to end the internal conflict, develop an updated national defense strategy based on asymmetric warfare, and expedite the modernization of the military by starting with the procurement of cost-effective anti-access and area-denial weapons.
菲律宾要想拥有一支有效的军事力量,就必须在军事开销和采购上有着更高的透明度,才能根除军队腐败;把注意力从镇压叛乱转移到对外防御上来;推动和平进程;结束联合政府的内部倾轧;开发不对称的国防战略;通过采购性价比高的、区域威慑力强的武器来加快军队现代化的步伐。The other ASEAN countries, the US as well as the Philippines should not ignore and must counter the boastful and arrogant claim of China that the whole South China Sea is well within their sovereignity. This is a repeated harrasing statement from land grabbing China. We must vehemently oppose those statement everytime it crops up. Malacanang are you listening??
In my own opinion its better for our DFA Secretary to close his mouth if he's words will not help the situation, mostly our countrymen knows and neighbouring countries China's thirsty not only in oil but in power, it's because they are "big" and need more source not only in energy but in food to sustain their "comrade". If you open your very own eyes you can find in the world map or Asian map in particular you can see that China are very far from Spratlys,, thats why china are not interested to take this matter to the UN or INLOCS, alam na nila na MALAYO SILA SA KABIHASNAN NG SPRATLYS, the best solution to this DFA Sec. pls shut your mouth and let this matter take to the rightful authorities to solve in peacefull manner!! nakakasama lang yang sinasabi mo, , paging Pnoy, , wala k bang ibang pwedeng ipalit kay DFA Sec...
China's interests in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) is not only motivated by its hunger for oil and natural gas for its domestic requirements but also by strategic interests to deny its neighbors of access to valuable ocean resources, which can make its neighbors more self-reliant and competitive.
Daily Double
Imagine, the intrusion happened 85 nautical miles nearest our coast and 600 nautical miles away from China's nearest coast . Are chinese really bully in attitude ? Are Good manners and right conduct not taught in their schools ?
Hello DD how are you? Surly this has nothing to do with ‘good manners’ or decorum either. The International Laws of the Sea designate a 200 nautical mile EEZ within which we can exploit the resources in that area- China have the same right. Why are we not proceeding with this right, post haste? Do the ramblings of China, waving their maps about really matter?
We may not have might on our side but surely we have right? And so what will China do? Carpet bomb Luzon?I say, just get on and do what we have a right to do- to hell with it, time is passing by, move on it…
(回复Daily Double)你好,其实这跟“良好的习惯”和礼貌没有什么关系。国际海洋法规定200海里内是经济专属区,我们可以开采资源,中国也有同样的权利。为什么我们不继续实行这项权利?就让中国胡扯吧,挥动地图也没什么要紧的。然后他们又会怎样做呢?地毯式轰炸吕宋岛吗?我说,我们马上行动起来,我们有权利做任何事情,见鬼去吧,时间不等人,赶紧出发吧……Foreverlove
I don't think China's burgeoning population nearing 2 billion mark should be the overriding reason why it would exercise unfriendly overtones to feed it's millions of nationals with someone's else oil vast reserves. I criticize our government for allowing this encroachment. If this government have any decency left, it should go after those who allowed it to happen.
We have been sleeping in the case of Sabah must we sleep again on this? Must we contend ourselves looking on while China squeezed all the oil in the Spratlys to their waiting tankers?
in the meantime, benigno simeon aquino 3rd is still busy campaigning. he is still in campaign mode. he thinks he is still a presidential candidate. what a life a filipino has in this administration?