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  来源:时文英语Studio  日期:2019-06-19  关注度:1427
 Damaging Sichuan earthquakes linked to fracking operations
by  Seismological Society of America, APRIL 5, 2019
Schematic depiction of hydraulic fracturing for shale gas, showing main possible environmental effects. Credit: Mikenorton/Wikipedia
页岩气水力压裂原理图, 显示主要可能的环境影响。图片来源: Mikenorton/维基百科
Two moderate-sized earthquakes that struck the southern Sichuan Province of China last December and January were probably caused by nearby fracking operations, according to a new study published in Seismological Research Letters.
《地震研究快报》(Seismological Research Letters, SRL)发表的一项最新研究表明,去年12月和今年1月在中国四川省南部发生的两次中等规模地震可能是由附近的水力压裂作业诱发的。
The December 2018 magnitude 5.7 and the January 2019 magnitude 5.3 earthquakes in the South Sichuan Basin caused extensive damage to farmhouses and other structures in the area. The December earthquake was especially destructive, injuring 17 people and resulting in a direct economic loss of about 50 million Chinese Yuan Renminbi (roughly $US 7.5 million).
在四川盆地南部发生的2018年12月的5.7级和2019年1月的5.3 级地震对该地区的农家和其他建筑造成了严重破坏。尤其是12月份的地震破坏很大,造成了17 人受伤、导致直接经济损失约5000万人民币(约750 万美元)。
The Changning shale gas block in the South Sichuan Basin has been the site of fracking operations since 2010, with extensive horizontal fracking injection wells becoming more common since 2014. The earthquake rate in the Changning block rose dramatically at the same time that systematic fracking began.
自2010年以来, 川南盆地长宁页岩气区一直是压裂作业场所。自2014年以来,广泛的工业化水平压裂喷射井越来越普遍。与此同时, 长宁地区的地震频度出现急剧上升趋势。
In the United States, wastewater disposal from oil and gas operations, where water produced during hydrocarbon extraction is injected back into rock layers, is thought to be the primary cause of induced earthquakes, especially in Oklahoma. However, there is growing evidence that hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, which uses injected water to break apart rock layersduring hydrocarbon extraction, may have caused moderate-size earthquakes at some sites in Ohio, Oklahoma and western Canada.
Both wastewater disposal and fracking have induced earthquakes in the south Sichuan basin, say Xinglin Lei of the Geological Survey of Japan and colleagues. In their new study in SRL, the researchers present "a full chain of evidence" to show that the December and January earthquakes were induced by fracking operations.
They pinpointed the location of the earthquakes, finding that they were relatively shallow (between two and ten kilometers below the surface), as would be expected for induced earthquakes. The December and January quakes also coincided in time and space with injection at nearby fracking well pads. They did not have the exact injection volumes at these well pads to better understand the relationship between injection activities and the evolution of seismicity.
他们确定了地震的震源位置,发现地震相对较浅 (地表以下两到十公里),符合诱发地震的预期深度。12月和1月的地震在时间和空间上也与在附近的水平井簇的压裂密切相关。当然,他们没有更精确的压裂数据来进一步理解注水与地震活动之间的关系。
Lei and colleagues' modeling of seismic activity show that most of the activity came from the initial mainshocks, with little aftershock activity, which is also consistent with the pattern seen for induced earthquakes. Finally, their calculations show that overpressure on the rock pores, produced by the fracking injections, was strong enough to activate preexisting faults in the region. These faults were mostly unmapped and not in a favorable orientation to slip under normal tectonic activity, the researchers note.
"For most well pads, the associated seismicity fades out quickly after the hydraulic fracture ended or halted," said Lei, although he noted that their analysis did raise the possibility of seeing signs of fault reactivation from previous seismicity.
"In my opinion, repeated moderate earthquakes can be caused as long as the injection is continuing, since a moderate earthquake releases very limited strain," he added. "The national regulations in China should be updated with the requirement for operators to take action if some signs of fault reactivation were observed."
The researchers say more information is needed about faults and their stress patterns in areas of the Sichuan basin surrounding fracking well pads, to guide drilling in a way that would avoid moderate seismic activity. "Moderate earthquakes were observed in a limited number of sites," said Lei. "If these sites could be screened out, the risk of moderate earthquakes would be greatly reduced."
其应力场信息,以研究如何避免破坏性地震的发生。雷说, “在四川盆地,
中等规模诱发地震发生在有限的几个井场附近。 如果可以事先筛选出这
Lei and colleagues would like to see researchers, regulators and oil and gas operators work together to better understand what causes injection-induced seismicity in the South Sichuan Basin, to allow effective and safe fracking operations.
雷和他的同事们希望研究人员、监管机构和油气运营商共同努力, 更好地了解是什么原因导致了四川盆地南部的注水诱发地震活动,从而为提高相应产业的有效性和安全性提供知见。。
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