

   2012-06-07 1170
核心提示:Thermal recovery boiler operation dryness is an important parameter, which affects the accuracy of thermal recovery b
Thermal recovery boiler operation dryness is an important parameter,
 which affects the accuracy of thermal recovery boiler operation safety
 and the effect of heating oil. In the water / steam two-phase flow
 dynamic monitoring techniques based on the developed dryness
 microcomputer measurement and control technology, is to use
 differential throttling device measuring degree of wet and 
dry steam flow, and other parameters, with the temperature
 and pressure sensors will be able to automatic Detection of
 thermal recovery boiler operation, while the boiler through 
the feedback control signal to the amount of water and wind 
to achieve the safe operation of thermal recovery boiler
Key words: dry degree; thermal recovery boiler; thermal oil
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